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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Development Karimunjawa Resort

Project Description
Karimunjawa  is  one  of  the  region  in  Jepara  Regency which  is  include  in  Java  Sea archipelago  cluster .  This archipelago cluster has 27 islands with extensive about 7,120 Ha and 5 inhabited islands. Taman Nasional Laut Karimunjawa has natural affluence like the beautiful of undersea  panorama  which  consist  of  coral  reefs  and plants,  353  fish  species,  and  66  coral  reefs,  and  also white  sand beach. The amount of tourist who come to Taman Nasional laut Karimunjawa  (TNK)  both  domestic  and  foreigner  has significant growth since Kapal Motor Cepat  (KMC) Kartini th I released in 14 April 2004. in year 2003 the amount is about  2,729  tourists, 2004  the  amount  is about  8,891 tourists, 2005 the amount is about 8,927 tourists, 2006 the amount  is about 9,027 tourists, and 2007 the amount is about 9,929 tourists. The region of Karimunjawa very appropriate  to  be  developed  into  excellent  tourism object because of  its natural panorama. The beautiful of Karimunjawa  panorama  not  yet  explored  maximally because  of  local  government's  limitation  funds.  The development  planning  of  Karimunjawa  Archipelago tourism object  includes  ;
1.The development of Karimunjawa  resort
2.The development of Karimunjawa archipelago
3.The  development  of  diving  and  maritime  tourism object
4.The development of resort in Bengkoang, Cendekian, and Cemara Kecil  Islands.

Existing Conditions
Currently the mainstay tourism object in Karimunjawa Archipelago  like  Kura  –  kura  and  Nirwana  Resort  and another  facility  like  home  stay  has  been  developed. During  5  (five)  years  endmost,  the  amount  of  tourist increase about 385%. The more significant increasing is the  tourist  who  comes  from  overseas  about  1,184%, meanwhile  domestic  tourist  increase  only  334%.  The amount  of  tourist  will  increase  significantly  if Karimunjawa  tourism  object  is  developed.  The transportation  infrastructure  to Karimun  Island has been supported  by  road  which  connect  all  region  in  each island,  crossing  transportation  (karimun  crossing
harbor), and air transportation (Dewadaru Airport). The Government  has  a  commitment  to  develop infrastructure  in  Karimun  I s land  including transportation, energy  (electricity), and  clean water .Karimunjawa  Archipelago  can  be  reach  with  air  and water  transportations. 
1. Sea Transportation
Karimunjawa can be reach from Semarang city through Tanjung Mas Harbor , and also from Jepara Regency from Kartini Harbor . KMC Kartini  I, set out  from Semarang City every Saturday at 09.00 AM, and Monday at 7.00 AM (via Jepara Regency) which will take about 3.5 hours trip, and from Karimun Island to Semarang City KMC Kartini I set out every Monday at 2.00 pm and every Tuesday at 9.00  AM  (via  Jepara). KMP Muria, from Jepara Regency to Karimun Island set out every Saturday at 9.00 AM and also every Wednesday at 9.00 AM. From Karimun Island to Jepara Regency set out every Monday and Thursday at 9.00 AM which will take about 5 hours  trip.
2. Air Transportation
To go to Karimunjawa Island by air transportation can be done via Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang City with Cassa 212 Airplanes  to Dewadaru Airport  in Kemujan  Island. Currently,  the  air  transportation  is  only  done  by  PT . Wisata Laut Nusa Permai (Kura – kura Resort) in order to serve  the  tourist  according  to  tours packet which has been  sold. Market  Analysis There are several potential of investment which can be developed,  some of  them  is  that  ;
¡ Cultural Tour Potential
a.     The civil art,  like Reog, Barongan, and Pencak Silat.
b.    Traditional  wedding  ceremony  Bugis  Tribe (Mapuce-puce,  Masuro,  Maduppa,  Mappaenre, and  Anggaukeung,  and  also  boat  launching ceremony)
c.     Traditional   house  Bugis  Tribe,  Sunan Nyamplungan  Tomb  and  Wali  Well  in  Parang Island.
¡ Land Tourism Object Potential
a.     Hiking/tracking,  in  Bukit  Bendera,  Bukit Tengkorak,  Bukit  Maming  Line,  and  also  in Mangrove Line  in Terusan.
b.    Camping  in Legon Lele Encampment.
c.     Sun  Bathing,  on  west  side  of  Big  and  Small Menjangan  Island.
d.    Caving at Sarang Cave  in Parang  Island.
e.     Bird Watching  in Bird Protection Zone.
f.     Observing  lay eggs Tortoise  Shell  in Sintok  Island.
g.    Observing Low Land Tropical Forest Vegetation at arboretum  in Legon Lele.
h.    Traditional  market,  various  snack  market, merchandise market, and  store.
I.     Hotel,  cottages, home  stay, and  restaurant.
¡ Maritime Tourism Object Potential
a.     Boat and undersea  tourism object
b.    Diving  in  almost  region  in  Taman  Nasional Karimunjawa
c.     Snorkeling  and  swimming  in  Parang  Bay, Menyawakan,  Menjangan  Kecil,  Menjangan Besar , Tanjung Gelam, and Cemara Besar  Island.
d.    Canoeing  in Kemujan
e.     Sun  Bathing,  in  Tanjung  Gelam  Beach, White Stone  Beach,  Menjangan  Kecil,  Menjangan Besar ,  Menyawakan,  Kumbang  Island,  and Kemujan Beach.
f.     Fishing  in  Kembar,  Parang,  Kumbang, Menjangan Kecil, Bengkoang  Island.

Legal  Aspect and  Investment Scheme
The  land belongs  to  civilian
Joint operation Partnership  System or pure  investment

Financial  Analysis
Investment  cost:  IDR. 31,000,000,000

Goverment  Incentive
1.  promotion
2.  non modal accompaniment asset
3.  Providing  land  facility

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