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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Karimunjawa Islands National Marine Park

Karimunjawa Archipelago – where heaven meets the earth. Central Java’s Paradise, nowadays its well known with the unspoiled and virginity islands and beauty nature. Various activities such as swimming, snorkeling, diving, fishing, sunbathing, camping, birdwatching and trecking to mangrove forest or even just sightseeing and enjoying the coral reel from the glass bottom boat, all you can have in Karimunjawa. Being a choice one of destination in Central Java.
The beauty nature, coral reefs, seaweed, seagrass, various sea creatures, mangrove forest, range mountain, and lowland tropical forests, all in an unspoiled making Karimunjawa Archipelago become National Marine Park.
The islands are administratively a sub district of Jepara Regency. Its located on 45 miles northwest of Jepara, its about 107.225 ha total area of Karimunjawa Archipelago in territory., which split up with 100.105 ha of sea area and 7.120 ha of land area. This archipelago has a tropical climate influenced by the sea breeze blowing throughout the day with an average temperature of 26 – 30 degrees, with the minimum 22 degrees and maximum 34 degrees temperature.
History of the name ‘Karimunjawa’
It was came from the Sunan Nyamplungan’s history. Sunan Nyamplungan is a famous folklore figure with the real name Amir Hasan. The son of the leader of Wali Songo ( disseminator of Islam Religion in Java ) with named Sunan Muria. Sunan Muria gave command to Amir Hasan to go to one of the islands which seen from the top of Muria Mountain. The islands seen blurred and they said kremun- kremun ( means blurred ).
Amir Hasan accompanied with 2 follower gone away with 2 things, 2 seeds of the kind of fruit with named ‘nyamplung’ and 1 of Mustaka. After very long journey crossing the seas they finally arrived to the island which finally named ‘Karimunjawa’ it taken from kremun – kremun saking tanah jawi or blurred islands which seen from Java.
Amir Hasan called by the people with Sunan Nyamplungan, it taken from the name of the fruits name ‘nyamplung’. Nowadays, the grave of Sunan Nyamplungan become shrine or sacred place of the Karimunjawa Citizens and tourists. And the ‘mustaka’ is allocated in the Sunan Nyamplungan’s grave complex.
Tourist Attraction
The natural scenic and relatively virgin islands, Karimunjawa offers natural attraction from marine tourism to adventure tourism. With multiethnic population makes this region was interesting to know the variety of unique cultures and traditions. Marine tours offer a variety of tours and sports activities related to the nature of Karimunjawa Archipelago. Some kinds of tours and sports activies that can be done are mentioned as follow :
The beauty of the underwater life of Karimunjawa undoubtedly, with various coral reefs and diverse fish species that live in it. Scuba diving is the way that you can enjoy the beauty of the underwater. At least there are 12 diving spot, among others are Milym Reef in Menjangan Kecil Island, Indonor Wreck in Batu Lawang, Ezdir Reef in Cemara Besar Island, and Antonys Point in Tengah Island.
Besides the beauty of Marine life you also can have the Wreck Dive. Indonor Wreck which sunk on February 7th 1960 when sailed from Palembang to Surabaya and loaded with the coal. Indonor with the length 30 meters and 12 meters high can be found nereby Kemojan Island with 10-17 meters depth. As a history the name of Indonor is stand for “Indonesia – Norway”.
The potential underwater of Antonys Point in Tengah island is also another well worth diving as a tourist destination. With the visibility reaches 20 meters depth you can find 30 kinds of fish in it, and the most the existence of the coral reefs which is 80% in good condition makes complete.
Here are others diving location; the north and the west side of Karimunjawa island, the east side of Menjangan Besar island, around Menjangan Kecil island, south and west side of Geleang island, west of Bengkoang island, west of Parang island, east of Kembar island, around Katang island, The north and The east of Krakal Kecil island, and the west of Kumbang island.
Total Dive Site : 19 Spots
The best periode for divers : March – April

The worst periode for divers : December – January
Always update the weather on www.bmkg.go.id to have the best time to travel.
Almost sea part of Karimunjawa islans are covered with coral reefs until 40 meters depth. There are 66 genres of coral reefs and a type of endangered reef called Musik reef (tubipora musica). To enjoy the coral reefs and the underwater world life you can also do snorkeling. Snorkeling (diving surface) or shallow diving (skin diving) is swimming or diving activities by applying tools such as diving masks and snorkels. Divers often wear the tool motion in the form of frog legs (fins diving) to increase the thrust of the foot.
The location of snorkeling spot you can check to the diving spot.

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