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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vacation Island Karimunjawa


Karimun Marine National Park is one of Indonesia's marine national parks located in the district. Jepara, Central Java.
Potential natural wealth is owned primarily natural beauty under the sea (coral reefs and marine life)
In Perda Prop. Central Java National Park are included in Regions Featured Publications
Flow visits Tourists visiting the TN. Publications since the launch of Quick Ship Kartini I in mid-2004 continues to increase.
The ability of local government funding is very limited in providing facilities and infrastructure facilities as a leading tourist attraction.


Availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the object as well as a tourist attraction Karimunjawa Marine National Park.
Improving community welfare Publications.
Empowering communities Karimunjawa
Improving the quality of service to tourists.
Making Karimunjawa as a leading tourist destination in the regional and international levels.

Availability of facilities facilities / infrastructure to support the object and attractions Publications
Expanding employment opportunities and community Karimunjawa
Changing the social status of fishing into tourism actors.
Service to domestic and foreign tourists.

Benefits of regional development

Creating the tourism area representative and complete with supporting facilities to complement the tourism facilities Karimunjawa Marine National Park which is still very minimal.
Increasing prosperity and expanding business opportunities society
For community empowerment Publications
Improving traffic flow and services to foreign and domestic tourists.

Legal Foundation

Central Java Provincial Regulation No. 15 year 2004 on the Master Plan for Tourism Development in Central Java.
Strategic Plan Jepara Regency Perda No. 9 Year 2002 on Regional Strategic Plan (RENSTRADA) Jepara Regency Year 2002-2007.

SOCIO-ECONOMIC FEASIBILITYSupply and demand analysis Flow of tourists visit the Marine National Park Karimunjawa since the launch of Quick Ship Kartini 1 dated 14 April 2004 the trend continued to increase while other supporting tourism is still very minimal, there is no common tourist areas as the location of the main requests.Economic Analysis
The economy will have a positive impact on society, especially tourism actors Karimunjawa Publications. Through the provision of services:
homestay, prau tours, diving and snorkeling guide, restaurants, souvenirs and local land transport.

Issues related to the development

Noting the conservation of Marine National Parks Publications

Using local labor as a form of community around the project site to improve the welfare of the community and expanding business opportunities, development of community livelihood Publications that have been dependent on the utilization of marine resources (fishing / fisheries)
Development must consider the carrying capacity of the region, and analysis of environmental impacts.

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