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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Karimunjawa Indonesia

is a popular destination to visit during your holiday

Jepara, one of the 35 regencies in Central Java Province at Indonesia Country, is located between 5°43`20,67” up to 6°47`25, 83” south latitude and 110°9`48, 02” up to 110°58`37, 40” east longitude. This region is surrounded by sea of Java at Westside and north side. The eastside part is bounded by the Regency of Kudus and Pati, but the Southside part is bounded by The Regency of Demak.  The closest distance to the capital city of regency is the District of Tahunan, that is about 7 Km away, but the furthermost distance is the District of Karimunjawa, that is about 90 km away.

        Torism development programs are aimed at role of tourism in economic activity, which can create employment and also job opportunity, as a mean to improve earnings and foreign exchange of society
To improve tourism development is not only fluorishing various tourism spot potencies but also to increase tourism accommodation infra-structures. In the year 2007, The regency of Jepara has 34 units accommodation. It consists of 2 classified hotels, 7 non classified hotels and also 25 other units. Those units accommodate about 453 rooms and 823 units bed. 
         In the year 2007, room occupation rate of classified hotel has experiencing downward compared to previous year, that is from 71,21 percents to become 44,80 percents. The same pattern has occurred for room occupation rate of non classified hotel. Room occupation rate of non classified hotel has declined compared to previous year, that is from 42,99 percents to become 40,17 percents
          Tourism development programs have shown positive result. This matter can be seen on the progressively increasing of number of visitors to anumber of tourism spots. In the year 2006, the number of visitor was about 873.984 people, it is recorded that in the year 2007 the number of visitor about 943.904 people. The visitor growth in Jepara is presented.

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